Out of Order

1 It’s sad that in addition to “Out of Order” – you also have to include “Do not Use” to a sign. People are obviously not deterred by the fact that it does not work.

2. An early shoutout to all the cicadas that “take one for the species” and die without getting a chance to mate. Some will be eaten by birds or other animals, some will fly into cars, and some will just die.

3. I chuckle every time I hear somebody refer to a pro sports team as “we”. Unless I’m on the payroll, it’s “they”.

4. The pandemic has sparked a rise in home improvement projects. People are sitting around watching the ‘house flipping’ shows thinking… “hmm that looks easy”.

5. Social media has birthed a lot of motivational speakers. If all of them can help one person, it’s a win.

6. Every time I see the actor that played Jaime Lannister, I can’t help but think, “Dude you had 3 babies with your sister… that’s nasty”.

7. It’s 70 degrees outside. A man is driving a convertible with the top down. He’s wearing a winter hat. If he is that cold… put the top up.

8. Two businesses that are thriving despite the pandemic: Lowe’s® & Chik-Fil-A®. There are always plenty of customers at each.

9. Telelmarketers are using the ‘long lost friend’ tactic. “Hey David, this is Tom!” It’s an annoying tactic, and it is very sleazy.

10. “Tipping now helps ensure a smooth contactless delivery experience” – translation: we won’t drop your pizza on the floor.

11. Old Work/Single gang electric boxes are a hot commodity. It’s now easier to find toilet paper than it is to get one.

Song of the Week