I’ve been to several hibachi restaurants, in different cites and states. They are all pretty much the same. There is no difference in the taste of the food. It’s good – but not great. And, everyone has another thing in common, onion volcanoes.

  • Smart marketing: adding the word “sports” in front of things like manicure and massage to make some men feel comfortable enough to pay for them.
  • Platform Crocs look weird.. like a 1970’s colored clog. Just wear regular Crocs and be okay with being short.
  • Salesman [walking around the neighborhood] You came to my house because you saw me go in… be wise enough to know that I didn’t answer the door because I saw you, too.
  • Just watching the BET Hip Hop awards for a little while – made me feel old. I didn’t recognize any of the new artists, and the music sucked. Hip Hop has changed…
  • There is no current shortage on shortages… From supply chain to school bus drivers, you name it – there is a problem.
  • Apparently you can throw a stone into any crowd and hit a realtor. No shade…just an observation.
  • What’s up with the anal probes? Aliens are freaks or they are really interested in the human digestive system.
  • At some point on all the “Real Housewives of…” shows – they go to Vegas and get in a fight. I don’t watch them, but my wife does.
  • Sometimes I buy things and I forget (or it arrives early). So, when I open it – it’s like I bought myself a surprise gift.
  • If you’ve been to one hibachi restaurant, you’ve been to them all. I have two words for you: Onion Volcanoes.
  • If you’re looking out the window at a group of teenagers, you can never tell what the weather is by how they’re dressed. Hoodies in the summer time is not an odd sight.

Song of the Week

photo credit: @cox.imagery